Alert: Discontinuation of Cheque Payments for Consumer.

Alert: Discontinuation of Cheque Payments.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Maxis TV

  • Maxis TV offers your favourite TV shows, dramas and movies with the best end to end experience from discovery, subscription and comsumption from various video streaming providers. For more, just go to Maxis TV website at

    Alternately, you can login with your mobile number or email (only for sooka) via Content Provider's app or website to enjoy streaming.

  • Maxis TV offers:

    1. Live event pass with mobile data
      • 1 live event pass at RM 9.90
    2. Monthly and weekly renewal with mobile data
      • 30-day access at RM9.99 or starting from RM15.90 for sooka
      • 30-days : Multi-pass (combination of Viu & iQiYi ) at RM18
  • You can enjoy streaming for high quality contents from various partners with options to purchase single or multiple bundle passes with mobile data with Maxis billing or Hotlink credit.

    You can watch movies, dramas and TV shows on-the-go anytime, anywhere, on multiple devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops.

  • All Maxis customers and non-Maxis customers with option to charge to:
    Maxis postpaid customer : Maxis bill
    Hotlink postpaid customers: Hotlink Postpaid bill
    Hotlink prepaid: Hotlink credit
    Credit card or debit card : all

  • You can purchase one-time pass and monthly renewal pass with mobile data on Maxis app, Hotlink app, Hotlink Postpaid app or Maxis website

    Alternately, you can subscribe to monthly renewal pass without mobile data at the content providers' website or app.

  • Please ensure you have sufficient balance and re-subscribe the monthly renewal pass.

  • You can check your usages on Maxis app, Hotlink app or Hotlink Postpaid app.

  • After your pass activation is successful, just go to Movies or TV shows and filter by the content providers you have subscribed to. Click on any of your favourite show or movie to enjoy streaming.

    Alternately, you can enjoy video streaming via content provider's app or website. Just ensure that you are on mobile data connection to enjoy streaming using the allocated data.

    For sooka, you are required to complete the registration after your pass activation is successful with the steps below:

    1. Choose any programme or show from sooka on Maxis TV and click watch
    2. You will be prompted to create an account with sooka
    3. Once your account is created, you may now stream any sooka's show or programme on Maxis TV or via sooka's app or website.
  • You can enjoy streaming on multiple devices including smartphones, tablets and laptops and TV.

  • Sorry, you cannot use Maxis TV service when you are overseas.

  • The data given is meant for the specific Content Provider's streaming usage only.

  • Upon full utilization of the data quota, all subsequent streaming usage will be drawn from your existing mobile internet plan.

  • For the remaining period of your access, you may enjoy video streaming with the data from your existing mobile internet pass.

  • All streaming and browsing activities on respective Content Provider will be consumed from the allocated data (5GB).

  • You can only subscribe to 1 pass at a time. You can purchase a new pass upon expiry of the previous subscription.

    We recommend you to purchase additional pass from different content providers to enjoy streaming on various content.

  • You will need to cancel your existing auto-renewal monthly subscription first. You can only then purchase the 1 time subscription after the previous auto-renewal monthly subscription expires.

    *Multiple Pass not applicable for sooka

  • Yes, You can. However, stacking of one-time pass is not allowed.

  • You will able to purchase multiple pass from different partner but not from the same partner.

    Stacking of Montly Renewal pass from the same Content Provider is not allowed.

  • The free trial pass is only available on monthly pass (for single or combination of 2 content providers). Upon expiry of trial pass, your subscription will be automatically switch to monthly renewal pass with monthly subscription fee.

    If you are on monthly trial pass for single content provider, your subsription will be renewed to a monthly renewal pass at RM9.99

    If you are on monthly trial pass for combination of 2 different content providers, your subsription will be renewed to a monthly renewal pass at RM18.

  • Yes, you will receive a SMS reminder before your trial ends.

  • Your free trial pass will be terminated. You may subscribe to the monthly renewal pass after converted to Postpaid.

  • Only new subscribers for monthly renewal pass enjoy free trial pass.

  • Maxis offers monthly renewal pass with premium access to content services and mobile data. Offer via Content Provider only provides premium access.

  • You can unsubscribe monthly renewal pass from VIU app, upon the expiry of the current subscription, you may subscribe monthly renewal pass with mobile data from Maxis TV website.

  • You can unsubscribe the monthly access from sooka app and upon the expiry of the current subscription, you may subscribe the monthly access with mobile data from Maxis TV website.

  • Yes, you will receive SMS notification after succesful renewal. The charge will be reflected in your Maxis invoice or Hotlink e-statement.

  • Simply follow below steps.

    Step 1: Go to Maxis TV website
    Step 2: Go to "Manage account"
    Step 3: Under "Subscriptions" Click on 3 dots and click "Edit plan"
    Step 4: Choose the plan that you would like to subscribe

    The change from sooka VIP Entertainment to sooka VIP+Sports will take effect immediately upon successful plan change and your charges will be prorated accordingly.

  • Simply follow below steps.

    Step 1: Go to Maxis TV website
    Step 2: Go to "Manage account"
    Step 3: Under "Subscriptions" Click on 3 dots and click "Edit plan"
    Step 4: Choose the plan that you would like to subscribe

    The change from sooka VIP+Sports to sooka VIP Entertainment will take effect upon the expiry of the current subscription cycle.

  • Yes, you can log in to our Maxis TV website and go to 'Manage Account' to pay with your Hotlink credit or charge to your Maxis bill.

  • The pass validity varies according to the pass. You may check your subscription status via Maxis app, Hotlink app, Hotlink Postpaid app and Maxis TV website

  • One Time Pass will expire automatically after validity hence unsubscription is not required.

    For monthly renewal pass, you can manage your subscription on Maxis TV website

  • The pass offers unlimited data. However, to ensure better experience for all users, excessive and abusive data usage is subjected to Fair Usage Policy.

  • Due to commercial agreement with IQIYI, all streaming activites and contents can only be performed on iQiYi's website

    After purchased iQIYI pass via Maxis TV website, you can login your mobile number on iQiYi app/ website to enjoy streaming.

  • Yes, you can discover the wide range of content on Maxis TV by signing up with your email address and select credit/ debit card as payment method.

  • Yes. Simply follow below steps.

    Step 1: Go to Maxis TV website <link to Maxis TV website>
    Step 2: under "Manage account"
    Step 3: Click on 3 dots
    Step 4: Change payment to Maxis bill/Hotlink credit, or to Credit/ Debit card

  • Simply follow below steps.

    Step 1: Go to Maxis TV website
    Step 2: Go to "Manage account"
    Step 3: Under "Subscriptions" Click on 3 dots and click "Edit plan"
    Step 4: Choose the plan that you would like to subscribe

    The change from sooka VIP Entertainment to sooka VIP+Sports or from sooka VIP+Sports to sooka VIP TV will take effect immediately upon successful plan change and your charges will be prorated accordingly.

  • Simply follow below steps.

    Step 1: Go to Maxis TV website
    Step 2: Go to "Manage account"
    Step 3: Under "Subscriptions" Click on 3 dots and click "Edit plan"
    Step 4: Choose the plan that you would like to subscribe

    The change from sooka VIP TV to sooka VIP+Sports or from sooka VIP+Sports to sooka VIP Entertainment will take effect upon the expiry of the current subscription cycle.

  • Yes, you can log in to our Maxis TV website and go to 'Manage Account' to pay with your Hotlink credit or charge to your Maxis bill.

  • The pass validity varies according to the pass. You may check your subscription status via Maxis app, Hotlink app, Hotlink Postpaid app and Maxis TV website

  • The pass offers unlimited data. However, to ensure better experience for all users, excessive and abusive data usage is subjected to Fair Usage Policy.

  • Android TV devices:
    Sony and Sharp version 8.0 and above
    Smart TV devices:
    LG TV 2018 model and above with Web OS 4.0 and above
    Samsung TV 2018 model and above with OS Tizen 4.0 and above

Maxis Lifestyle

  • Maxis Lifestyle (previously known as Maxis TV) offers subscription to video, music and gaming contents for all Maxis and Hotlink customers via "Pay with Maxis" and "Pay with Hotlink" payment method.

    For Postpaid subscriber, your content subscription will be billed in your next bill and for Prepaid subscriber, it will be deducted from your available Hotlink credit.

  • There are three (3) options:

    1. From Maxis/ Hotlink app, at HOME page, in between your service and account, you will get to see “Lifestyle” along with “Pay Bill”, “Devices” and “Roaming”. Click “Lifestyle” and you will be redirected to Maxis Lifestyle portal.
    2. Go to your browser, copy and paste ( ) and go.
    3. From official Hotlink or Maxis website, you will see “Lifestyle” option on top of the website, simply click “Lifestyle” for a redirection to Maxis Lifestyle portal

    Should you wish to subscribe to content (s) offered in Maxis Lifestyle, simply click the human icon button at right on top of Maxis Lifestyle portal to login with Maxis ID or your mobile number.

  • With Maxis Lifestyle, you’ll get to enjoy our latest Super Streamer Add-On (one-time passes) that come with unlimited stream data*. Super Streamer Add-On are as follow: 

    Super Streamer Add On sooka
    Super Streamer Add On Viu
    Super Streamer Add On iQIYI
    RM15.00/ 30 Days
    RM9.90/ 30 Days
    RM9.90/ 30 Days

    *The passes come with unlimited data with Fair Usage Policy.

  • The most likely reason why the option to subscribe to Super Streamer Add-On passes is not visible for you is you are not on the eligible plan.

    You may keep your current plan and subscribe to any pass at Recommended Retail Price (RRP), which is of the same price as subscription from content providers directly via their website or app.

    If you wish to subscribe to Super Streamer Add-On, change your current plan to the “Eligible Plan” mentioned above; then, the Super Stream Add-On option will be reflected in Maxis Lifestyle portal once you have changed to the eligible plan(s).

  • Super Streamer Pass is a one-time pass with unlimited data and the price is lower than RRP. While the other options that you see are auto-renewal pass meant for all Maxis and Hotlink customers and it is the same price as per content providers’ own offering.

    One-time pass will end by the day 30th and you will be notified 3 days before its expiry. Should you wish to continue, do just buy the same pass again.

    Auto-renewal pass will be renewed automatically after day 30th. And you will be notified 3 days before its renewal and once the renewal is successful. Should you wish to cancel, manage your subscription through Maxis Lifestyle portal.

  • We are sorry as it is only offered to Maxis and Hotlink subscribers only* for now. Visit to learn more about our packages, so that you may subscribe to Maxis Lifestyle.

    *If you are a Maxis Home Fibre only user, you are also not able to subscribe to Maxis Lifestyle.

  • We are sorry as it is only available with Pay with Maxis/ Hotlink for now.

  • You can purchase multiple passes from different providers but not from the same content provider. Stacking of passes from the same content provider is not allowed.

  • Super Streamer Add On – will be drawn from additional unlimited data specific meant for streaming of the respective content (s) only.

    Data usage of other passes will be used from the quota of your rate plan base, or the additional quota given by the pass. If an additional quota is given with the streaming pass, then data usage will be drawn from the additional quota followed by quota from your plan.

Watch anywhere, anytime with Maxis TV

The FAQ’s are meant for clarification purposes only. The FAQ’s may be modified from time to time. Please refer Terms of Use and Terms & Conditions of the products and/or services for more information.

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