eKelas Talk Series
The bigger part of our eKelas programme is aimed at helping the students to improve their studies. With tutorials delivered live via video conference, students are not more than 10 feet away from experienced teachers. But eKelas is not just about live tutorials, it is also about inspiring and motivating them to be the best that they can be. As they grow up, they look up to the adults, be it their own parents, family members, older friends and even celebrities sometimes, wanting to be just like them, or even better than these people surrounding them.
In Maxis, who would be best to share with these children their success stories, other than our Maxis Management Team (MMT) and Senior Leadership Team (SLT). So in January this year (2017), we kicked off the eKelas Talk Series where our top management engage with the students and share their experience, from which schools they go to, which subjects they like or didn’t do well and ways to overcome it, to how they get into universities, get into the working world and become who they are now.
The MMT/SLT team not only shares their inspiring stories with these students, but also played some games and quizzes, and one even conducted his own basic running clinics based on his passion towards running.