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Kampung Tebelu Is The Latest Community In Sarawak To Reap eKelas Benefits

Recently, we brought eKelas to even more communities in Sarawak, and the latest community to reap the benefits of Maxis flagship programme was Kampung Tebelu in Sebuyau!

So, at a special event to commemorate this expansion, we had the privilege of welcoming Maxis’ CEO, Mr Robert Nason to Pusat Internet Kampung Tebelu to interact with the students and teachers here. And to create more awareness, we also invited members of the local media who braved a 2-hour journey all the way from Kuching to be with us. Watch what happened here courtesy of RTM.

During the event, the community experienced first-hand the live tutorial for Mathematics and English, where classes were being streamed from Kuala Lumpur through video conferencing. Students also showcased how the eKelas portal had helped with their learning. Meanwhile, there was a demo on a new feature of eKelas, eCikgu. Currently being trialed, eCikgu is a live chat platform where students can immediately interact with teachers and ask questions. We can’t wait for this to go live!

Since it was also the Raya season, the community put on their best festive outfits, and graciously hosted a special Raya lunch for all of us with a wonderful spread of local Sarawak dishes. Community leaders even gave Robert a quick tour of their village, including a peek into their main economic activity, fishing and shrimping. Now that’s an experience to remember!

With a population of approximately 2,000, Kampung Tebelu is another example community in which eKelas reaches out to. As a digital enabler, Maxis is delighted to provide the students of Kampung Tebelu with access to quality learning content and interaction with experienced teachers.

Kampung Tebelu’s addition to the eKelas family means there are already 13 Pusat Internet located in Kuching, Miri and Sibu, out of the 55 Pusat Internet under Maxis’ care across Peninsular and East Malaysia that are participating in the eKelas programme.

Maxis eKelas is an after-school digital learning initiative that aims to improve the academic performance of students in rural and urban communities. Its focus is on three subjects - Science, Mathematics and English - for students Forms One to Three. eKelas offers a combination of live tutorials, group learning and interactive digital content which is in line with the school syllabus. The programme is delivered at Pusat Internet, which are MCMC-run Internet centres that serve as digital hubs for communities in under-served areas. Since its launch, eKelas currently has more than 4,000 students in terms of class population as well as those interacting within the eKelas portal.
