eKelas Usahawan partnering with SME Corp in Minggu PMKS Penang

Most current business advice focuses on encouraging entrepreneurs to do what they love, but it misses two critical elements: firstly, a business must be profitable and secondly, it should be in an field that they're are competent in. Further, entrepreneurs must know how to differentiate themselves from their competitors, especially in today's digital world.
Hayati binti Fee, from the services industry shared her feedback: “Penceramah yg berpengalaman. Kelas yg menarik dgn isi kandungan program yg bermanfaat” (Experienced speaker. Interesting classes with useful program content).
Meanwhile, Roseliani Binti Zakariah from Prime Synergy Enterprise said: “Good experience to learn new knowledge about business...up to date”.
These were among the key lessons instilled in over 120 entrepreneurs by the eKelas Usahawan team during the Minggu PMKS (Perusahaan Mikro, Kecil dan Sederhana) in Penang on 2 June 2023. In partnership with SME Corp, eKelas Usahawan provided entrepreneurs with a safe space to engage in interactive discussions to improve their understanding of digital marketing.