Maxis’ #MemoriRaya Project Gives The Gift Of Memories This Festive Season
As Hari Raya approaches, close to 40 Maxis volunteers embarked on a unique journey to Kampung Kesedar Chalil, a small village run by Kelantan’s KESEDAR establishment, to give families the ‘gift of memories’ as part of its #MemoriRaya project. The volunteers split into teams and dispersed throughout the village to snap portraits of the families, who were all dressed up in their finest Raya attire.
The photos were then framed and personally hand delivered to them just a few hours later. Together with the framed photos, the volunteers also prepared and delivered food boxes containing essentials to aid the families during this festive season.

“This year, as part of our festive charity initiative, we decided to ask Maxis staff what they would like to do in giving back to the community. We received many ideas but one was unique - the idea of ‘gift of memories’. It’s about capturing family moments through photos for families that may not have the opportunity of taking a nice family photo, something that most of us cherish,” said Mariam Bevi Batcha, Maxis’ Head of Corporate Affairs.
“It was a great experience since we managed to give them something that they could possibly keep for a lifetime. I remember when I was young. I used to look at photo albums of myself and my family. It always brought a smile to my face. I realised after this activity that some families are not so fortunate. Seeing their face brighten up when we handed over their family portrait is priceless. Memories last. Memories shape our lives. Memories make us who we are,” said Jan Carlo Pagtalunan, one of the Maxis volunteers.
“This was an exciting and humbling experience. I think this #MemoriRaya project is a great initiative, because some of these families don’t even have a family photo, so now they have something to look at. It’s a great memory for them,” said Noorsalhanim Che Jamel, another volunteer.
“This is the first time a corporate company has come to Kesedar Chalil. It’s also thoughtful of Maxis to come up with this idea, which goes beyond making a donation. Now, we have something to look at for years to come,” said Mat Lazim B Yaacob, the Ketua Kampung of Kesedar Chalil.

The theme of ‘capturing memories’ was also evident in Maxis’ latest film, titled “Wayang Sayang”. This Raya film is inspired by the backbone of any unbreakable connection - truth - and of course, love. Ultimately, the film aims to show that ‘a good connection may set the destination. But a great connection will always take you home.’
To view the video, click here