Maxis eKelas STEM campaign returns to test future-ready skills

- eKelas, Maxis’ flagship community programme, is an after-school digital learning initiative aimed at improving the academic performance of school students in rural communities
- eKelas brings fun experiential learning through a combination of live tutorials, group learning, competitions, and digital content via the portal and app.
- Two-month STEM campaign will incorporate fun, interactive and experiential content with live workshops and new futurist challenges aligned with school curriculum, and opportunity for participants to win attractive prizes
Maxis eKelas’ nationwide STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Challenge, Misi Jelajah Digital, has returned to encourage students to activate their thinking skills for play and imagination. For the next two months, skills of participating eKelas students will be tested on critical and design thinking, problem-solving and creative thinking as they maneuver exploration missions in an imaginary world in 2050 incorporating elements of smart vehicles, schools and cities.
Maxis eKelas, an after-school digital learning initiative for students from Year 4 to Form 5, brings learning enrichment in a fun and vibrant way and provides access to quality educational content, in line with the Malaysian School Syllabus. Focusing on Science, Mathematics and English, students are exposed to experiential learning through a combination of live tutorials, group learning, competitions, and digital content via the portal and app. eKelas now provides a complete digital learning experience through the portal, including opportunity for students to take part in campaigns like STEM, HIP English competition, as well as the annual Anugerah Gemilang student grant scheme. The programme has over 68,000 students now connecting through the eKelas portal. With eKelas being recognised under the Highly Immersive Programme by the Ministry of Education since 2019, Maxis has been able to bring more eKelas awareness to schools, having reached out to 1,200 schools for students to join and benefit from the programme.
“Our eKelas programme is driven by our passion for education with emphasis on co-curricular development, innovation and academic achievement. As a signature campaign, the STEM challenge has been a popular addition to eKelas which has generated a lot of excitement and encouragement for students to unleash their creative potential. We are proud to run this campaign once again and align with the government’s aspirations on STEM as an important part of education to expand the skilled workforce in this digital era,” - Gokhan Ogut, Maxis’ Chief Executive Officer.
A special forum discussing creativity and innovation in education was held during the launch with panelists ranging from academicians and teacher-influencers. Students in attendance were also given the chance to try out one of the tasks of the competition where they were taught on the basics of design thinking in imagining the future.
About the STEM Challenge: Misi Jelajah Digital
Misi Jelajah Digital is a fun, interactive competition which offers experiential content with lessons and new challenges aligned with school curriculum. The competition which will run from today until 30 November, aims to attract more than 7,000 challengers aged 10-17 years old (Year 4 to Form 5). Students who participate will also receive co-curriculum marks or Pentaksiran Aktiviti Jasmani Sukan dan Kokurikulum (PAJSK) credits while standing a chance to win attractive prizes such as laptops and tablets, including an exclusive experiential tour to Menara Maxis.
Conducted in accordance with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards, this year’s competition introduces three new pillars with new modules for students to sharpen their skills and prepare them for their tertiary education and future:
- The Futurist Challenge (World in 2050): The ideation of the future world to stimulate students’ thinking and going beyond the conventional STEM programmes
- Code a SCRATCH Game: Focusing on elementary coding for younger students and advanced coding for students in upper secondary
- Roblox Trivia: Students can explore the Roblox world with challenges on critical and logical thinking and problem-solving skills to better prepare them for tertiary education
Participants will have access to explainer videos, notes and modules throughout the competition period from which they can learn coding and design basics. Special panels and talks covering key STEM topics and live tutorials workshops will also be available on Zoom and YouTube to provide participants with tips on how to complete the challenges and explore game walkthroughs.
For more information and to sign up, visit