Maxis Employees Make Digital Wishes Come True For Residents Of Sabah Cheshire Home

Residents, including children, were also pleasantly surprised and thrilled that their wish for Christmas was fulfilled by Maxis. Earlier in the month, the residents were asked to share their Christmas wish digitally, giving an opportunity for Maxis employees to become their ‘Secret Santas.’

At today’s event, the residents actually received their Christmas wish in the form of gifts. In addition to granting their digital wishes, Maxis also took photos of the residents during the event, which were immediately printed and inserted in a special frame. All in all, it was wonderful Christmas for everyone involved, including the Maxis volunteers.

“At Maxis, it’s important that we give back to the community, especially during the festive season. We hope this small gesture from us can help brighten up their lives this Christmas,” said Ng Chak Khin, Maxis’ Head of Sabah region.
“We are very happy that Maxis’ group of volunteers decided to help us this Christmas by painting the home and making sure each resident’s wish is fulfilled. Maxis has done a fantastic job. They have brought joy to us and put a smile on our residents’ faces,” said Jennifer Liew, Manager of Sabah Cheshire Home.